The fountain of Laecanius Bassus was one of the large and highly ornamented two storey monumental structures of the city and was constructed by the Governol General C. Leacanius Bassus in 80-82 a.d. It stands between South Street ,facing the Magnesia Gate via the South stoa ,southwest of the Government Agora,facing Domitianus Street and the terrace.This is the oldest example of a monumental fountain in Ephesus.The water which was brought via the Great Marnas water pipe from Mount Bülbül,was transmited to the Government Agora through the Magnesia Gate and from there it was connected to this storage-fountain structure.The main pool that served as a water storage facility measuring 12.35×8.30m. was surrounded by a two storey facade with aediculas. A pediment with five niches below was consructed on the rear face of the fountain, with decorations on the pediment that continued on the hypaethral wings to the sides. The statues on the upper level ,positioned between two columns ,give the structure a particular grandeur.On the lower level,in addition to various other statues,there are statues of both sea creatures and River Gods that spouted water into the pool.
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