These were the houses of the
wealthy of Ephesus, established on terraces on the slope of Mount Bülbül. They
were built in peristle, adjacent to each other, of approximately the same size,
each consisting of two flats, on three terraces. Some of these houses covered
an area of 900-950 m². The construction of these houses dates to the 1st
century B.C. from the finds made during excavations. Howeverafter the restorations and repairs that were
made after the earthquakes in 262 and 369-370 A.D., it is knownthat the houses, most of which were of
two-storey, were inhabited until the 7th century A.D. The entrances to these
houses were from narrow paths with stairs. There was an inner court in the
middle of the houses, which was surrounded by columns in a peristly and this
court constituted the center of these houses. There was a covered gallery area
with mosaic floors around this court and all romms were lined around this area,
with the doors opened ontothiz gallery.
The rooms were the dining room, the bedroom, the guestroom, the bath, the
lavatory, the kitchen and the slave room. All of these rooms obtained their
light from this central courtyard. The hypocaust system (underfloor heating)
ensured many rooms were centrally heated and this heating system was also
installed on the second floors of these houses. The clean water and the sewage
pipes of the baths, fountains and lavatories(Latrina)in the houses were freely
usedas public service. Moreover, water
requirements were provided for by the wells cisterns dug in the bedrock. The
sewage pipes under the stairs were linked to the main sewer pipes in Kuretes Street.
The most important room in residence No.1 is the theater room, with its walls
decorated with depictios from the comedies of Menandros and the tragedies of
Euripides. There is mythological scene(the fight between Hercules and
Achilles)in front of an architectural adorment on the upper side of the
northern wall. The main center of residence No.2 is the Rhodian 9 columns
peristylecourt dating from the Late
Empire period. In the vault of the tablinum in the South, there is an excellent
glass mosaic depicting Dionysus and Ariadne in paradise. In the pedestal mosaic
of the gallery in front, mythological sea creatures are depicted (a Nereid
mounting a seahorse of Triton). The most important room in residence No.3 has
depictions of the 9 Muses, and of Sappho and Apollo. Furthermore, the portraits,
on the east wall of the inner court, depicting the renowed philosophers of the
period, are of great importance for the history of art. Inresidence No.4 are depictions of Socrates
(today displayed in the Seljuk Museum of Ephesus) and the Muse Urania. By the
door to the east section of the house are the frescoes belonging to the oldest
period of decoration at Ephesus.
The changes brought about though the
construction of the apse of the basilicaon the lower terrace destroyed the balance of this residence. Also this
stairs provide a connection to residence No.6 and it is thought that the owner
of residence No.4 was also the owner of this northernadjacent house. Due to the wealth of the
owner, it was thought that in the period between the 2nd and 3rd centuries
A.D., that residenceNo.4 was used as
the kitchen for residence No.6 Apart from the spaciousness of residence No.6,
of 950m², the social, economic and religious duties and the home an Ephesian
notable during the reign of Emperor Severus was revealed through the finds made
in the excavation of this residence. It ıs understood to have been more
important than the other residences on the slope, as there is an inscription
which indicates its owner at the end of the 2nd centruy A.D. was C. Flavius
Furius Aptus and it is known that Furis Aptus, a notable of Ephesus at least
once at the end of the 2nd centruy A.D. had sponsored the Games held at
Ephesus. This residence has a peristle court, thought to have been of two
storeys. From this court one could enter the rooms in the West and North, a
magnificent hall covered in marble on the South side, and the tunnel vaulted
Private Basilica accessed from a small court with cross vault in the southwest.
The importance to the home owner of the Dionysus cult is also reflected in the
decorations inside the house and the subjects of the plaster relief in the
vaults of a small room which opens to the main court in a basilica style. The
thiasos carrying creatures of Dionysus are depicted on the vaulted ceillings,
which are divided geometrically while the wedding of Dionysus and Ariadne among
the Erotes is depicted on the stage by the pediment arch. Residece No.7, of 900
m² was connected at times to residence No.6 lying to its West. This residence
built according to the traditional plan, is full of rooms having differing
characteristics, all surrounding the center inner court. There are marble
effigies of Emperor Augustus’ wife Livia and his sons, and Emperor Tiberius
with a bronze statue of a snake(displayed in the Museum of Ephesus)in the
peristyle exedra on the southern side.
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