This is one of the three most magnificentof Ephesus. It was erected to honor the
Emperor Traianus in 114 A.D. and was 9.50 m. high and it continued the
tradition of the theatre scene (skaenae frons) with its two storey columnedfront decorated with various statues. It is
understood from the frieze and inscription on the architrave of the lower level
that this fountain was constructed by Tiberus Claudius Aristion and was
dedicated to Emperor Traianus. The two storey columnedfront of the Fountain of Traianus became more
magnificent with the addition of two wings facing the facade on either side. A
pool 11.90 m. long and 5.40 m. wide was constructed in front of the fountain
between these twowings. In the middle
section of the facade, a two storeyniche was constructed. In the middle niche, there is a statue of Emperor
Traianus twice life-size. The architrave has on its upper face the insitu
carved feet remaining from original marble statue of Emperor Traianus. The
sqhere underEmperor Traianus’ foot symbolizes
the world and emphasizes world domination aspired to by Roman goverment. The
pool was filled with water that camefrom the pipes beneath the plinth. Some of the statues from here are in
the British Museum, London others are in the Museum of Ephesus. There are
composite capitals on the columns on the lower pedestals in frontthe fountain. There were aediculas(small
niches) between eachof the columns on
the sides. The columns on the upper level had octagonal pedestals and
Corinthian capitals. Wall supports were placed on the rare facede of the
structure accordingwith the columns in
front. The columns of the mid-section are wider on the (small niche) in the
middle is upper level and carry entablatures withpediments. The aedicula emphasized by a
triangularpediment, horizantal volutes
on the wings and corners of the rear facade, and the curved pediments in front
of the wings facing the street. The niches in front of the fountain were
decorated with statues of Aphrodite, Dionysus, a young hunter figure which
symbolizes the hunter figure which symbolizes the founder of the city,
Androklos, Emperor Nerva , some women(portrait or with garments)and a reclining
Satyr. This fountain was partially reconstructed after being heavily damaged by
seismic activity, probably in the earthquake of 362 A.D. Other architectural
parts of the fountain are displayed inside the pool and in front of it. In
order to provide an indication of the visual quality of this fountain, it was
partially rebuilt with concrete on a smaller scale than the original.
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