This temple- like monument was contsructed in the
same city block as the Baths of Varius on the northside of Kuretes Street. Thus
Ephesus gained the title of Neokoros for the second time during the reign of
theEmperor Hadrianus. From the
architrave inscriptions it is known this temple was constructed by P.Vedius
Antonius Sabinus of Ephesus in honor of Emperor Hadrianus (117-138 A.D.). There
is a Syrian pedimenton top of the Corinthian columns on the side facing the
street. The cella measures 7.50 m. × 5 m. In the middle of the far end, there
is a pedestal upon which the statue of emperor stood. Apotropaic elements are
emloyed in the architectural parts of the capitals on the temple facade. The
carving of the statue of Tykhe (Fortune), the Goddness of Fate, on the corner
stone, which is in the mid-section of the arch in front, was keep the city
fortunate, as the statue rises from whole acanthus leaves. In 300 A.D. statues of
the tetrarchs were placed on the pedestals in front of the columns beside
Kuretes Street. The pedestals of Diocletianus Constantinus Ciarus, Maximianus
and Galerius remain, but the statue of the treacherous Maximianus (Senior)was
later replaced by a statue of Emperor Theodosios father. These pedestals were
added in the restoration following the earthquake. In the second
reconstructionof this temple, the date
of which is disputed, most of the material that was employed was original.
Medusa, issuing from acanthus leaves with arms wide open, is depicted in the
semicircular panel of the block over the entrance gate of the cella. The story
of the legendaryestablishmentof the city of Ephesus is depicted on a
narrow line of friezes on both sides of this relief, the original relief
carvings are today in the Museum of Ephesus. In the left corner, a mounted
Androklos, the founder of the city, is depicted chasing the wild boar as
described in the legends concerning the foundation of the city, the Oracle of
Delphi makes a prophecy about Androklos, who wanted to emigrate to the west and
establish a city in Anatolia. On these friezes there are relief carving of
Athena, Artemis, Apollo, a female figure, Androklos, Hercules, Theodosius’
father, the Emperor Theodosius, Artemis of Ephesus, the wife and son of
Teosius, Dionysus and the Kuretes.
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